We welcome visitors to South Side Christian Church. We understand that not all churches have the same worship service and we hope this information will assist you during your visit with us in God's house.
Sunday Morning
- Worship begins at 10:15 AM
- We celebrate communion during the service each week
- Adult Sunday school class - 8:45 AM in the parlor
- Nursery for children birth to age 3 available from 10AM until worship ends
- Children's class for ages 3 through 4th grade is held during the worship service
Wednesday Evening
- Worship begins at 7:00 PM
- We celebrate communion during the service each week
Helpful information
As you enter the church, there are three entrances to the sanctuary on your right.
- There will be greeters at the doors and at the table in the narthex.
- Bulletins and communion elements are available at the narthex table.
- Large Print bulletins are available.
- Elements of worship, hymns, and prayers are also shown on the screens at the front of the sanctuary.
If you come for adult Sunday school, the parlor entrance is the second door on the left after you enter.
The hallway to restrooms, classrooms, and the Family Life Center is behind the double doors to your left.
The nursery is straight across from you at the far end of the narthex.
- This is for children from birth until the Autumn after their third birthday.
- There are pagers available for parents to keep with them in case their child needs them.
- The third door into the sanctuary is closest to the nursery.
Sunday class for children is held during the worship service.
- This is for children aged 3 through 4th grade.
- Children begin the service sitting with their families in the sanctuary.
- After the first hymn and prayer, children are asked to come forward for the Children's Moment.
- After the Children's Moment the children may accompany the teacher back to classroom 2 for a faith-based lesson geared to their age and interests.
By worshiping at South Side Christian Church we hope you are spiritually nurtured by the Word of the Lord and will return to worship with us again.
If you have questions ask any member or contact the minister or church office.